Multi-media Online Access to Trinity – Tech Tips from The Geek
#1 - Listening to Trinity Sermons
Did you know – you can listen to almost any sermon from Trinity Baptist Church for the past three years – or more?
To access these sermon podcasts from anywhere in the world – where there is Internet access (WiFi, Smartphone or other connected device) just do the following.
From a mobile or portable Apple device (iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc.) find the Podcast button icon, it usually looks like this -
Press or tap that and Search for Trinity Baptist Church Sun City Center, FL. Our podcast channel will have a graphic that looks like this --
Tap that and you will be taken to the Trinity podcast channel where you will find more than 300 Episodes (sermons). They are normally listed by Newest First but you can change that by tapping the settings Gear on the podcast page and selecting your preferred sort method. Find a sermon you would like to listen, tap that episode, turn up the volume and ENJOY the Word.
Listening to sermons from a non-Apple mobile/portable device (Android, Google, Samsung, Motorola, HTC, etc., etc.)
Easiest way – use the Google Podcasts APP. Free to download from the Play Store.
On your Android device download or look for the Google Podcasts icon, it looks like this –
Once installed, tap on the icon.
If this is the first time using Google Podcasts you will be presented with a screen to Add your favorites.
Tap on the Search symbol at the bottom of your screen (looks like a little spyglass) and type in Trinity Baptist Church Sun City Center. You’ll see a suggested list and we will be listed. Tap on our name.
You will be taken to a list of Podcast Episodes (sermons) typically sorted newest to oldest.
Tap on the sermon you would like to listen to, turn up the volume and enjoy a word from the Pastor.
Note that sometimes the very latest sermon is not uploaded until a few days after the service, but we get to it ASAP.
For devices that don’t have or don’t have the ability to have an APP, you can use a browser on your device. On most non-Apple devices this will probably be Chrome or Firefox. Most Apple devices use Safari.
Tap the chosen Browser and in the Search or Address bar type in Or just click here.
You will be taken to our website Home page or presented with a list of suggested web pages. You’ll find ours on there.
Once at the Trinity Home page (nice beach scene), depending on your browser, you will either see Tabs across the top, down the side – or you might see 3-4 horizontal (menu) lines on the left of your screen – have to scroll down a little sometimes.
Tap the MEDIA tab or tap the menu bars and then tap the word Media.
Next (might look like the same beach scene) scroll down the page a bit and look for Click here for all of our sermon podcasts. Tap that sentence and you should be taken to our Buzzsprout Trinity Baptist Church podcast page. You’ll recognize the graphic when you’re there.
From this page you can scroll down or across to the episode you’d like to hear and listen away.
NOTE that near the top of this page there are icons you can tap to be taken to your APP Store to download either the Apple Podcast APP or the Google Podcast APP (both FREE) – depending on your device. These APPs are for mobile/portable devices, not for your Windows PC.
#1 - Listening to Trinity Sermons
Did you know – you can listen to almost any sermon from Trinity Baptist Church for the past three years – or more?
To access these sermon podcasts from anywhere in the world – where there is Internet access (WiFi, Smartphone or other connected device) just do the following.
From a mobile or portable Apple device (iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc.) find the Podcast button icon, it usually looks like this -
Press or tap that and Search for Trinity Baptist Church Sun City Center, FL. Our podcast channel will have a graphic that looks like this --
Tap that and you will be taken to the Trinity podcast channel where you will find more than 300 Episodes (sermons). They are normally listed by Newest First but you can change that by tapping the settings Gear on the podcast page and selecting your preferred sort method. Find a sermon you would like to listen, tap that episode, turn up the volume and ENJOY the Word.
Listening to sermons from a non-Apple mobile/portable device (Android, Google, Samsung, Motorola, HTC, etc., etc.)
Easiest way – use the Google Podcasts APP. Free to download from the Play Store.
On your Android device download or look for the Google Podcasts icon, it looks like this –
Once installed, tap on the icon.
If this is the first time using Google Podcasts you will be presented with a screen to Add your favorites.
Tap on the Search symbol at the bottom of your screen (looks like a little spyglass) and type in Trinity Baptist Church Sun City Center. You’ll see a suggested list and we will be listed. Tap on our name.
You will be taken to a list of Podcast Episodes (sermons) typically sorted newest to oldest.
Tap on the sermon you would like to listen to, turn up the volume and enjoy a word from the Pastor.
Note that sometimes the very latest sermon is not uploaded until a few days after the service, but we get to it ASAP.
For devices that don’t have or don’t have the ability to have an APP, you can use a browser on your device. On most non-Apple devices this will probably be Chrome or Firefox. Most Apple devices use Safari.
Tap the chosen Browser and in the Search or Address bar type in Or just click here.
You will be taken to our website Home page or presented with a list of suggested web pages. You’ll find ours on there.
Once at the Trinity Home page (nice beach scene), depending on your browser, you will either see Tabs across the top, down the side – or you might see 3-4 horizontal (menu) lines on the left of your screen – have to scroll down a little sometimes.
Tap the MEDIA tab or tap the menu bars and then tap the word Media.
Next (might look like the same beach scene) scroll down the page a bit and look for Click here for all of our sermon podcasts. Tap that sentence and you should be taken to our Buzzsprout Trinity Baptist Church podcast page. You’ll recognize the graphic when you’re there.
From this page you can scroll down or across to the episode you’d like to hear and listen away.
NOTE that near the top of this page there are icons you can tap to be taken to your APP Store to download either the Apple Podcast APP or the Google Podcast APP (both FREE) – depending on your device. These APPs are for mobile/portable devices, not for your Windows PC.